Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DWBI - A Business Perspective - Day 5


1. Name four key issues to be considered while planning for a data warehouse.
2. Explain the difference between the top-down and bottom-up approaches for building data
    warehouses. Do you have a preference? If so, why?
3. List three advantages for each of the single vendor and multi vendor solutions?
4. What is meant by a preliminary survey of requirements ? List six types of information you will
    gather during a preliminary survey?
5. How are data warehouse projects different from OLTP system projects? Describe four such
6. List and explain any four of the development phases in the life cycle of data ware house project.
7. What do you consider to be a core set of team roles for a data warehouse project? Describe the   
     three roles from your set.
8. List any three warnings signs likely to be encountered in a data warehouse project. What corrective
    actions will you need to take to resolve the potential 
   problems indicated by these three warning signs?
9. Name and describe any five of the success factors in a data warehouse project.
10.What is meant by 'taking a practical approach "to the management of a data ware house project?
     Give ay two reasons why you think a practical approach is likely to succeed.

Business Cases:  
1. As the recently assigned project manager, you are required to work with the executive sponsor to
    write a justification without detailed ROI calculations for the first data warehouse project in your
    company. Write a justification report to be included in the planning document.
2. You are the data transformation specialist for the first data warehouse project in an airlines
    company. Prepare a project task list to include all the detailed tasks needed for data extraction and
3. Why do you think user participation is absolutely essential for success? As a member of the
    recently formed data warehouse team in a banking business, your job is to write a report on how
    the user departments can best participate in the development. What specific responsibilities for the
    users will you include in your project?
4. As the lead architect for a data warehouse in a large domestic retail store chain, prepare a list of
    project tasks relating to designing the architecture. In which development phases will these tasks
    be performed?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Reddy,
    I would like to ask if you have the answers to some of the questions you posted? If yes, I'll comment on them.

    First one:
    5. How are data warehouse projects different from OLTP system projects? Describe four such
