Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DWBI - A Business Perspective - Day 2

"Master the basics and rest follows...", below are the questionnaire on data warehouse fundamentals.


1. Name at least six characteristics or features of a data warehouse.
2. Why is data integration required in a data warehouse, more so there than in an operational
3. Every data structure in the data warehouse contains the time element. Why?
4. Explain data granularity and how it is applicable to the data warehouse.
5. How are top-down and bottom-up approaches for building a data warehouse different? Discuss the 
    merits and disadvantages of each approach.
6. Why do you need a separate data staging component?
7. Under data transformation, list five different functions you can think of.
8. What are the various datasources for the data warehouse?
9. Name any six different methods for information delivery.
10.What are the major types of metadata in a data warehouse? Briefly mention the purpose of each
Business Cases:

1. A data warehouse is subject-oriented. What would be the major critical business subjects for the  
    following companies?
    a. An international manufacturing company
    b. a local community bank
    c. An international retail chain
2. You are the data analyst on the project team building a data warehouse for an insurance company.
    List the possible data sources from which you will bring    the data into your warehouse. State
    your assumptions.
3. For an airlines company, identify three operational applications that would feed into the data
    warehouse. What would be the data load and refresh cycles?
4. Prepare a table showing all the potential users and information delivery methods for data
    warehouse supporting a large national grocery chain.

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