Sunday, July 21, 2013

SSIS Control Flow Tasks

After having a Byte of Data Flow Task in our last article, we shall look into some of the other frequently used SSIS Control Flow Tasks.

1.       EXECUTE SQL TASK - 
This task is used to run T-SQL queries from  a SSIS package.
The task also provides provision to pass and receive parameters.
Supports the following connection types:  EXCEL, OLE DB, ODBC, ADO, ADO.NET or SQLMOBILE

2.       FILE SYSTEM TASK  – 
Whenever there is a need to perform File system operations, this task comes into the picture.
E.g. Rename, Delete, Move, Copy files/directories.

This task is used to call on SSIS package from another.
We can also pass the variables from the parent package to the child package.

4.       FTP TASK - 
(File Transfer Protocol)Used to send or receive files from a Remote Location.

5.       Script Task - 
Whenever there is a requirement that cannot be met by Out of the Box features in SSIS , we can use the script task as it gives us the flexibility to use the extensive set of classes in .Net framework.
We can either use or C# to code custom scripts.
For e.g. Reading file properties like Created date or Size of the File; Trying to catch hold of a specific string in a random non-formatted text file.  

Happy Learning!

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