Sunday, June 24, 2012

An Overview of Performance Tuning is SSIS - Buffer Usage and Executuion Trees

When you architect data integration solutions, your design decisions not only determine how successfully your solution meets functional requirements, but also how well your solution meets performance requirements. To make the right performance design decisions, you need to understand the performance architecture of your data integration tool and, just as importantly, the techniques that enable you to maximize the tool’s utilization of system resources such as memory and CPU.
SSIS provides a variety of optimization opportunities to help you maximize resource utilization while successfully meeting the needs of your specific data integration scenario.
Before you can take advantage of specific tuning techniques in SSIS packages, it is important to familiarize yourself with the SSIS architecture. This architecture consists of two major components: the run-time engine and the data flow engine.

The run-time engine

The run-time engine is a highly parallel control flow engine that coordinates the execution of tasks or units of work within SSIS and manages the engine threads that carry out those tasks. For the most part, the performance of the run-time engine is most heavily influenced by conditions external to SSIS, such as network bandwidth, and interaction with external systems such as database servers, FTP servers, or email servers. When SSIS runs an Execute SQL Task, for example, it sends a call to the target database and then waits for a response from the database server before it continues. In this scenario, the performance of the Execute SQL Task is more dependent on the performance of the query execution than on the SSIS run-time engine.

The data flow engine

When you use SSIS for data integration, in addition to the run-time engine, you use the data flow engine that manages the data pipeline. The data flow engine is invoked by a special task in SSIS called the Data Flow task. When the Data Flow task executes, the SSIS data flow engine extracts data from one or more data sources, performs any necessary transformations on the extracted data, and then delivers that data to one or more destinations.
With data integration solutions, you will likely spend a large part of your performance tuning time optimizing the data flow engine. Like the run-time engine, the data flow engine is influenced by external conditions; however, within SSIS, there are a variety of settings that you can manipulate to tune the data flow engine’s performance based on the requirements of the data integration operations.

Buffer Usage

Behind the scenes, the data flow engine uses a buffer-oriented architecture to efficiently load and manipulate datasets in memory. The benefit of this in-memory processing is that you do not need to physically copy and stage data at each step of the data integration. Rather, the data flow engine manipulates data as it is transferred from source to destination.
As this data flows through the pipeline, SSIS attempts to reuse data from prior buffers as much as possible when additional operations are performed. How buffers are used and reused depend on the type of transformations that you use in a pipeline.
Row Transformations - Row transformations either manipulate data or create new fields using the data that is available in that row. Examples of SSIS components that perform row transformations include Derived Column, Data Conversion, Multicast, and Lookup. While these components might create new columns, row transformations do not create any additional records. Because each output row has a 1:1 relationship with an input row, row transformations are also known as synchronous transformations. Row transformations have the advantage of reusing existing buffers and do not require data to be copied to a new buffer to complete the transformation.
Partially blocking transformations - Partially blocking transformations are often used to combine datasets. They tend to have multiple data inputs. As a result, their output may have the same, greater, or fewer records than the total number of input records. Since the number of input records will likely not match the number of output records, these transformations are also called asynchronous transformations. Examples of partially blocking transformation components available in SSIS include Merge, Merge Join, and Union All. With partially blocking transformations, the output of the transformation is copied into a new buffer and a new thread may be introduced into the data flow.
Blocking transformations - Blocking transformations must read and process all input records before creating any output records. Of all of the transformation types, these transformations perform the most work and can have the greatest impact on available resources. Example components in SSIS include Aggregate and Sort. Like partially blocking transformations, blocking transformations are also considered to be asynchronous. Similarly, when a blocking transformation is encountered in the data flow, a new buffer is created for its output and a new thread is introduced into the data flow.
Transformations are not the only components that can be categorized as synchronous or asynchronous. Sources are a special type of asynchronous component. For example, an RDBMS source component creates two types of buffers: one for the Success output and one for the Error output. By contrast, destinations are a special type of synchronous component. You will see the interactions of source and destinations components when you examine the Execution Trees of a package.

Execution Trees

Execution trees demonstrate how your package uses buffers and threads. At run time, the data flow engine breaks down Data Flow task operations into execution trees. These execution trees specify how buffers and threads are allocated in the package. Each tree creates a new buffer and may execute on a different thread. When a new buffer is created such as when a partially blocking or blocking transformation is added to the pipeline, additional memory is required to handle the data transformation; however, it is important to note that each new tree may also give you an additional worker thread.
Examine the execution trees in the example depicted in Figure 1 and Table 1 where two Employee datasets are combined together and then aggregated to load into a common destination table.
In Execution Tree 2, SSIS reads data from the Employee OLE DB Source into the pipeline, a Derived Column transformation adds another column, and SSIS passes data to the Union All transformation. All of the operations in this execution tree use the same buffer; data is not copied again once it is read into the OLE DB Source Output.
In Execution Tree 3, SSIS creates a buffer to hold error records from the asynchronous Employee OLE DB Source before loading them into a destination error table.
In Execution Tree 4, SSIS reads data from the Employee Flat File Source and passes it to the Union All. These two operations use the same buffer.
In Execution Tree 5, a buffer is created to hold errors from the asynchronous Employee Flat File Source before loading them into a destination error table.
In Execution Tree 0, the Partially Blocking Union All transformation is executed and a new buffer is created to store the combined data and the aggregate is calculated.
In Execution Tree 1, after the Fully Blocking Aggregate transformation is completed, the output from the Aggregate operation is copied into a new buffer and data is loaded into the OLE DB Destination.
This example demonstrates how execution trees can help you understand buffer usage in a common SSIS package. This example also highlights how Partially Blocking transformations like Union All and Fully Blocking transformations like Aggregate create new buffers and threads whereas Row Transformations like Derived Column do not.
Execution trees are enormously valuable in understanding buffer usage. You can display execution trees for your own packages by turning on package logging, enabling logging for the Data Flow task, and then selecting the Pipeline Execution Tree event. Note that you will not see the execution trees until you execute the package. When you do execute the package, the execution trees appear in the Log Events window in Business Intelligence (BI) Development Studio.

Writers: Elizabeth Vitt, Intellimentum and Hitachi Corporation
Contributors: Donald Farmer, Microsoft Corporation; Ashvini Sharma, Microsoft Corporation; Stacia Misner, Hitachi Consulting

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